Provider News


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Provider Portal

Register Now for DME Training

Telligen and WY Medicaid invite you to attend a training session specific for those that will be submitting Durable Medical Equipment requests. This training will go over requirements and common mistakes made when submitting a DME request causing delayed approvals....

Register Now for Outpatient BH Submission Training

Telligen and WY Medicaid invite you to attend a training session specific for those that will be submitting outpatient behavioral health therapy requests for members who are residing in a facility such as a group home, residential treatment center or a juvenile...

ATTENTION: Outpatient Behavioral Health Providers

Qualitrac now has the ability to differentiate between traditional outpatient behavioral health therapy requests and those requests for members who are residing in a facility such as a group home, residential treatment center or a juvenile detention facility. The...

ATTENTION: Hospital, Nursing Home and Swingbed Providers

[UPDATED 12/9/2022 to replace contact number below] December 6, 2022 Beginning January 1, 2023, psychosocial assessments will no longer be needed prior to submitting the PASRR Level II packet. Telligen, the PASRR Level II vendor, will be scheduling interviews to...

Register Now for PASRR Level II Training

Telligen and WY Medicaid invite you to attend a training session specific for those that will be submitting PASRR II submissions. The training is to provide a comprehensive understanding of PASRR Level II and to identify and define state and federal regulations. You...

Quality-of-Life Form Link Available

Some providers have had issues accessing the link to the Patient Weighted Quality Of Life In Epilepsy form. Click the link provided below to access the form. It is also located on the Document Library page of this website. Patient Weighted Quality Of Life In Epilepsy:...

Submission of PASRR II Requests

Submission of PASRR II Requests Through the Qualitrac Provider Portal for WY Medicaid Telligen and WY Medicaid are offering a training session specific for those that will be submitting PASRR II submissions through the Qualitrac Provider Portal.  This training is...

Provider Training Bulletin

Wyoming Medicaid and Telligen invite you to attend Qualitrac Provider Portal training to learn how to submit prior authorization review requests. These trainings will be broken in to three sections and each section will be offered multiple times. You will only need to...

WYhealth Care Management Program

The WYhealth Care Management Program is a benefit our Medicaid members have through Wyoming Medicaid and can help those who need some extra support to meet their health goals, understand their health condition(s), and get help with other needs like food or...

Guidelines for Prior Authorizations starting July 1, 2022:

Any PA that was issued by Optum (PA starts with a 3) cannot be updated by Telligen – reach out to Amy Buxton by email at for any needed corrections/changes. PRTFs will start a new request in the Telligen system for the first CSR due in July, then...