Provider News


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Provider Portal
Register Now for PASRR II Training
Telligen and WY Medicaid invite you to attend a training session specific for those that will be submitting PASRR II submissions. This is the quarterly PASRR training. You will only need to attend one of the below trainings. This training will be posted to this...
Register Now for BH PRTF Training
Telligen and WY Medicaid invite you to attend a training session specific for those that will be submitting outpatient behavioral health therapy requests for members who are residing in a facility such as a group home, residential treatment center or a juvenile...
Register Now for PASRR II Training
Telligen and WY Medicaid invite you to attend a training session specific for those that will be submitting PASRR II submissions. This is the quarterly PASRR training. You will only need to attend one of the below trainings. This training will be posted to this...
New DME Bulletin: Wheelchair Policies
Attention DME Providers – Immediate Action Required Nursing Facility Members – Wheelchair Policies
New DME Bulletin
Durable Medical Equipment and Prior Authorization Reminders and Updates
Register Now for PASRR II Training
Telligen and WY Medicaid invite you to attend a training session specific for those that will be submitting PASRR II submissions. This is the quarterly PASRR training. You will only need to attend one of the below trainings. This training will be posted to this...
PROVIDERS: Telligen is happy to announce our Blue-Ribbon Program!
Telligen is happy to announce our Blue-Ribbon Program! Providers who meet high standards for frequency, performance, and approval rates with certain exemptions from prior authorization requirements are eligible for the program. The goal of the program is to reward...
Register Now for PASRR Training
Telligen and WY Medicaid invite you to attend a training session specific for those that will be submitting PASRR II submissions. This is the quarterly PASRR training. You will only need to attend one of the below trainings. This training will be posted to this...
Qualitrac Provider Requirements Now Available
A new Tip Sheet has been added to the Education & Training page. This Tip Sheet provides detail on Provider Requirements for Qualitrac.
PROVIDERS: Important Changes for CMS-1500/Professional/837P Claim Part 2
See the attached memo for important updates and submission changes for the following: Changes for CMS-1500 Professional 837P Part 2