Telligen Medicaid Services for the State of Wyoming

Welcome to the Telligen website supporting Utilization Management services for the State of Wyoming. This site is built to provide easy access to the Qualitrac provider portal for submitting clinical cases, as well as current news and resources that pertain to the Telligen contract with the state. Please use the Contact page if you have any questions or encounter issues with the website.

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(Contact information is for contract purposes only. Telligen does not sell or otherwise share any data provided with third party entities.)

Qualitrac Login

Web application used by healthcare providers to submit clinical care requests for review

Provider Portal Registration

New users need to register to gain access to Qualitrac. The provider's portion of the registration takes less than 10 mins.

Register Now for DME Training

Telligen and WY Medicaid invite you to attend a training session specific for those that will be submitting Durable Medical Equipment requests. This training will go over requirements and common...

Register Now for PASRR II Training

Telligen and WY Medicaid invite you to attend a training session specific for those that will be submitting PASRR II submissions. This is the quarterly PASRR training. You will only need to attend...

Register Now for BH PRTF Training

Telligen and WY Medicaid invite you to attend a training session specific for those that will be submitting outpatient behavioral health therapy requests for members who are residing in a facility...

Register Now for PASRR II Training

Telligen and WY Medicaid invite you to attend a training session specific for those that will be submitting PASRR II submissions. This is the quarterly PASRR training. You will only need to attend...

Upcoming Events